从网址邮购处买到3310的液晶显示。试了一下,感觉很好,屏幕很清晰,很适合自己做点小项目。参考网站上的例子,用WINAVR(2005/02/14) 重新写了一个驱动,贴出来与大家共享。
网站上的例子, 初始化当中有一点DUG,提出来与大家讨论:
1. PB4当作RES的控制脚不妥当,因为在SPI下,PB4只能是输入,作输出控制RES不妥。
2. 屏幕的最上面一行,显示不停滚动的中文:“欢迎光临本网站!” 好像后面还跟一些乱码(不知是否WINAVR的原因)。我在程序中改变了一下,现在正常了。
- /*********************************************************************************** Name : NokiaLCD.h Description : Header file for Nokia 84x48 graphic LCD driver. Author : 2005-06-24 - TeSTCode Compiler : WINAVR Version: 20050214 ************************************************************************************/ #ifndef NOKIALCD_INCLUDED #define NOKIALCD_INCLUDED #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #define LCD_X_RES (84) #define LCD_Y_RES (48) #define LCD_Array_SIZE ((LCD_X_RES * LCD_Y_RES) / 8) #define LCD_DC_PORT PORTB // LCDµÚ4½Å£¬ Mega32£ºPB1 µÚ2½Å #define LCD_DC_DDR DDRB #define LCD_DC_BIT_NUM (1) #define LCD_CE_PORT PORTB // LCDµÚ5½Å£¬ Mega32£ºPB0 µÚ1½Å #define LCD_CE_DDR DDRB #define LCD_CE_BIT_NUM (0) #define LCD_RST_PORT PORTA // LCDµÚ8½Å£¬ Mega32£ºPA2 µÚ3½Å #define LCD_RST_DDR DDRA #define LCD_RST_BIT_NUM (2) /***************************************************************************** * SPI Definitions */ #define SPI_PORT PORTB #define SPI_DDR DDRB //Data direction register #define SPI_PIN PINB //Port used for SPI #define SPI_SS_NUM (4) //SPI Slave select, must be set as output #define SPI_MOSI_NUM (5) //SPI CPU master output #define SPI_MISO_NUM (6) //SPI CPU master input #define SPI_SCK_NUM (7) //SPI clock, CPU master #define delay_1us() _delay_us(1) #define delay_1ms() _delay_ms(1) #ifndef BIT #define BIT(x) (1 << (x)) #endif enum {LCD_CMD = 0, LCD_DATA = 1}; class NokiaLcd{ private: unsigned char LcdRow,LcdCol; void InitLCDSPI(void); public: NokiaLcd(unsigned char mRow = LCD_Y_RES, unsigned char mCol= LCD_X_RES); void LCD_init(void); void LCD_clear(void); void LCD_set_XY(unsigned char X, unsigned char Y); void LCD_write_string(unsigned char X,unsigned char Y,char *s); void LCD_write_chinese_string(unsigned char X, unsigned char Y, unsigned char ch_with,unsigned char num, unsigned char line,unsigned char row); void LCD_move_chinese_string(unsigned char X, unsigned char Y, unsigned char T); void LCD_write_char(unsigned char c); void LCD_draw_bmp_pixel(unsigned char X,unsigned char Y,PGM_P map, unsigned char Pix_x,unsigned char Pix_y); void LCD_write_byte(unsigned char data, unsigned char dc); void delay_nus(unsigned int n); void delay_nms(unsigned int n); }; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //NokiaLCD.c /**************************************************************************** Name : NokiaLCD.c Description : This is a driver for the Nokia 84x48 graphic LCD. Author : 2005-06-24 - TeSTCode Compiler : WINAVR Version: 20050214 *****************************************************************************/ #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/delay.h> #include "NokiaLCD.h" #include "english_6x8_pixel.h" #include "move_chinese_string_pixel.h" #include "write_chinese_string_pixel.h" NokiaLcd::NokiaLcd(unsigned char mRow, unsigned char mCol) : LcdRow(mRow), LcdCol(mCol) { InitLCDSPI(); LCD_init(); } /***************************************************************************** * WriteReadSPI: Send character to SPI and return character read back */ void NokiaLcd::InitLCDSPI(void) { //Set SPI ports as output SPI_DDR |= SPI_DDR|(1<<SPI_SCK_NUM)|(1<<SPI_MOSI_NUM)|(1<<SPI_SS_NUM); SPI_PORT = SPI_PORT & (~(1<<SPI_MISO_NUM)); //Turn off pull-up /* Enable SPI, Master, set clock rate fck/16 */ SPSR |= (1<<SPI2X); // ÉèÖÃSPIʱÖÓ±¶ËÙ SPCR |= (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR); // ʹÄÜSPI½Ó¿Ú£¬Ö÷»úģʽ£¬4MʱÖÓ } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : LcdInit Description : Performs MCU SPI & LCD controller initialization. -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NokiaLcd::LCD_init(void) { _delay_ms(30); //30ms power on delay LCD_DC_DDR |= (1<<LCD_DC_BIT_NUM); //Set DC pin as output LCD_CE_DDR |= (1<<LCD_CE_BIT_NUM); //Seet Ce pin as output LCD_RST_DDR |= (1<<LCD_RST_BIT_NUM);//Set reset pin as output //Toggle display reset pin. LCD_RST_PORT &= ~(1<<LCD_RST_BIT_NUM);//LCD reset low delay_1us(); //delay 1us LCD_RST_PORT |= (1<<LCD_RST_BIT_NUM); LCD_CE_PORT &= ~(1<<LCD_CE_BIT_NUM); delay_1us(); LCD_CE_PORT |= (1<<LCD_CE_BIT_NUM); delay_1us(); LCD_write_byte(0x21, LCD_CMD); // LCD Extended Commands. LCD_write_byte(0xc8, LCD_CMD); // Set LCD Vop (Contrast). LCD_write_byte(0x06, LCD_CMD); // Set Temp coefficent. LCD_write_byte(0x13, LCD_CMD); // LCD bias mode 1:48. LCD_write_byte(0x20, LCD_CMD); // LCD Standard Commands, Horizontal addressing mode LCD_clear(); // Lcd clear screen LCD_write_byte(0x0c, LCD_CMD); // LCD Standard Commands, Horizontal addressing mode LCD_CE_PORT &= ~(1<<LCD_CE_BIT_NUM); // Deselect Lcd } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : LCD Clear Screen Description : LcdClear Screen -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NokiaLcd::LCD_clear(void) { unsigned int i; LCD_write_byte(0x0c, LCD_CMD); LCD_write_byte(0x80, LCD_CMD); for (i=0; i<504; i++) LCD_write_byte(0, LCD_DATA); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : LCD_set_XY Description : Set Lcd X(Page) Y(Column) position -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NokiaLcd::LCD_set_XY(unsigned char X, unsigned char Y) { LCD_write_byte(0x40 | Y, LCD_CMD); // column LCD_write_byte(0x80 | X, LCD_CMD); // row } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : LCD_write_char Description : Display one ASCII character -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NokiaLcd::LCD_write_char(unsigned char c) { unsigned char line; c -= 32; LCD_write_byte(0x00,LCD_DATA); for (line=0; line<5; line++) LCD_write_byte(pgm_read_byte(&font6x8[c][line]), LCD_DATA); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : LCD_writeString Description : Write English string to Lcd Screen -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NokiaLcd::LCD_write_string(unsigned char X,unsigned char Y,char *s) { LCD_set_XY(X,Y); while (*s) { LCD_write_char(*s); ++s; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : LCD_write_chinese_string Description : Write chinese character string to LCD Screen Argument(s) : X, Y -> Coordinate for new cursor position. ch_with -> Chinese Character width num -> number of characters to display line -> start line of the chinese character row ->Space lines between each char -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NokiaLcd::LCD_write_chinese_string(unsigned char X, unsigned char Y, unsigned char ch_with,unsigned char num, unsigned char line,unsigned char row) { unsigned char i,n; LCD_set_XY(X,Y); //ÉèÖóõʼλÖà for (i=0;i<num;) { for (n=0; n<ch_with*2; n++) //дһ¸öºº×Ö { if (n==ch_with) //дºº×ÖµÄÏ°벿·Ö { LCD_set_XY((X+(ch_with+row)*i),Y+1); } LCD_write_byte(pgm_read_byte(&write_chinese_string[line+i][n]),LCD_DATA); } i++; LCD_set_XY((X+(ch_with+row)*i),Y); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : LCD_move_chinese_string Description : move the chinese string line on the screen; Argument(s) : X, Y -> Coordinate for new cursor position. T -> moving speed -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NokiaLcd::LCD_move_chinese_string (unsigned char X, unsigned char Y, unsigned char T) { unsigned char i,n,j=0; unsigned char buffer_h[84]={0}; unsigned char buffer_l[84]={0}; for (i=0; i<96; i++) { buffer_h[83] = pgm_read_byte(&move_chinese_string[i/12][j]); buffer_l[83] = pgm_read_byte(&move_chinese_string[i/12][j+12]); j++; if (j==12) j=0; for (n=0; n<83; n++) { buffer_h[n]=buffer_h[n+1]; buffer_l[n]=buffer_l[n+1]; } LCD_set_XY(X,Y); for (n=0; n<83; n++) { LCD_write_byte(buffer_h[n],LCD_DATA); } LCD_set_XY(X,Y+1); for (n=0; n<83; n++) { LCD_write_byte(buffer_l[n],LCD_DATA); } delay_nms(T); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : LCD_draw_bmp_pixel Description : draw a picture on the Lcd screen Argument(s) : X, Y -> start position on thelcd screen map ->picture array on the flash Pix_x ->picture height (pixes) Pix_y ->picture width (pixes) -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NokiaLcd::LCD_draw_bmp_pixel(unsigned char X,unsigned char Y,PGM_P map, unsigned char Pix_x,unsigned char Pix_y) { unsigned int i,n; unsigned char row; if (Pix_y%8==0) row=Pix_y/8; //Cal. the total page numbers else row=Pix_y/8+1; for (n=0;n<row;n++) { LCD_set_XY(X,Y); for(i=0; i<Pix_x; i++) { LCD_write_byte(pgm_read_byte( &map[i+n*Pix_x]), LCD_DATA); } Y++; //go to next page } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : LCD_write_byte Description : Sends data to display controller. Argument(s) : data -> Data to be sent cd -> Command or data (see/use enum) -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NokiaLcd::LCD_write_byte(unsigned char data, unsigned char command) { LCD_CE_PORT &= ~(1<<LCD_CE_BIT_NUM); // Enable SPI if (command == LCD_CMD) // Send command LCD_DC_PORT &= ~(1<<LCD_DC_BIT_NUM); else LCD_DC_PORT |= (1<<LCD_DC_BIT_NUM); // Send data SPDR = data; // Load data to SPDR while ((SPSR & 0x80) == 0); // Wait until data sent LCD_CE_PORT |= (1<<LCD_CE_BIT_NUM); // ¹Ø±ÕLCD } void NokiaLcd::delay_nus(unsigned int n) //delay n us { unsigned int i=0; for (i=0;i<n;i++) _delay_us(1); } void NokiaLcd::delay_nms(unsigned int n) //Delay n ms { unsigned int i=0; for (i=0;i<n;i++) _delay_ms(1); }
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